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In her lengthy conversation with Amanda Hirsch, Kardashian opened up about reliving her relationship with Thompson, 31, on The Kardashians. Now we’re always stuck explaining ourselves and I think the world is so eager to cancel people.” And I’m like, ‘What if you caught the first five minutes?’ You would understand maybe why I said that, or I don’t know. And then that’s out of context and then it turns into this viral thing. “Doing interviews, I’m so hesitant to do them because people take 22 second clips and they make a TikTok video out of them. “I, like, miss the old me,” the 37-year-old reality star began on the “Not Skinny But Not Fat” podcast on Tuesday, May 24, noting that she “overthink(s) everything now,” which is why she doesn’t do much press. Khloé Kardashian gave new insight into her relationships with exes Tristan Thompsonand Lamar Odom and more in a rare interview.

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